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Green English - Environmental Education in English B (edukacja CLIL)

42,21 zł Zniżka 10%
46,90 zł
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Green English - Environmental Education in English B - zeszyt z kolekcji HandsOnLanguage. Kolekcja HandsOnLanguage stanowi projekt edukacyjny zrealizowany w ramach Content and Language Integrated Learning  (CLIL) i poświęcony różnorodnym tematom związanym z cywilizacją i kulturą. Przeznaczony...


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Green English - Environmental Education in English B - zeszyt z kolekcji HandsOnLanguage.


Kolekcja HandsOnLanguage stanowi projekt edukacyjny zrealizowany w ramach Content and Language Integrated Learning  (CLIL) i poświęcony różnorodnym tematom związanym z cywilizacją i kulturą. Przeznaczony jest na poziom szkoły podstawowej, a dzięki swojej elastyczności może stanowić uzupełnienie każdego kursu nauczania języka angielskiego.

Książka Green English - Environmental Education in English B stanowi zeszyt z zestawem kilkudziesięciu jednostronnych kart zawierających opatrzone zdjęciami i ilustracjami proste informacje i ćwiczenia o charakterze ludycznym związane ze środowiskiem naturalnym i wychowaniem ekologicznym (w tym poświęcone  światu roślin i zwierząt, zanieczyszczeniu środowiska, recyklingowi i oszczędzaniu energii). W książce znajdują się również piosenki, oraz opisy prostych eksperymentów ekologicznych do wykonania przez dzieci. Książka zrealizowana została pod patronatem Casa Archilei  - a Centre for Environmental Education in Fano (PU) Italy.

Autorzy: Damiana Covre, Melanie Segal

96 stron, papier o podwyższonej gramaturze, miękka okładka

Format 21x29,7cm

ISBN 9788853610294



Przedział wiekowy
dla dzieci
Kontekst edukacyjny
edukacja szkolna
szkoła podstawowa
zabawa w domu
zajęcia grupowe
zajęcia indywidualne
Cykl edukacyjny
Profil edukacyjny
CLIL - zintegrowane nauczanie przedmiotowo-jezykowe

Green English - Environmental Education in English B - HandsOnLanguage.

Green English takes students on an environmental journey to iscover and develop their awareness of and respect for nature.
There are 10 environmental topics such as recycling, pollution, saving energy, plants and insects.
The worksheet offer a wide variety of hands-on activities including songs, experiments and surveys to carry out indoors and outdoors.
This project has been piloted over 6 years at Casa Archilei' a Centre for Environmental Education in Fano (PU), Italy.
For more details visit the website


An exciting series of cross-curricular projects to facilitate 'Content and Language Integrated Learning' (CLIL).
'When using a language as a tool for studying other subjects, remarkable achievements can be made.'
(InterTalk Plurilingual Education across Europe. D. Marsh, 1997)

For THE students:
2 sets of detachable full-colour worksheets (level A and B)

Worsheets are:
grouped into specific topic areas designed for a flexible use to meet educational, linguistic and seasonal needs ideal for compiling journals and Porfolio

For the teacher:
Special Guide with Audio CD
It is Special because it fully supports the work of the teacher.
It includes:
-a detailed introduction to the methodologies and approaches which inspired the series;
-guidance on how to develop the projects;
-a detailed lesson plan for each worksheet with classroom language and follow up activities;
-a photocopiable self-assessment sheet for the teacher (Teacher's Porfolio);
-photocopiable self-assessment sheet for the students ('Can do' statements);
-photocopiable full-colour Fact Files and resources for further study;
-a glossary of the specialised lexis;
-the teacher's classroom language.

The audio-CD includes:
-the chants, rhymes and listening activities of level A and B;
-the songs with instrumental version of level A and B;
-the pronunciation of the lexis related to each topic area also contained in the glossary;
-the pronunciation of the teacher?s classroom language.

Metodological approaches:
With the HandsOnLanguage series teachers are provided with flexible material which will give them an opportunity to apply the didactic approaches that inspired the series itself:
-CLIL (Content And Language Integrated Learning)
-Co-operative Learning
-Hands-On Approach
-Holistic Approach
-Humanistic Approach
-Learning Style (VAK) and Multiple Intelligence Theory
-Lexical Approach
-Project Based Education
-Task-Based Learning
The activities and material in the HandsOnLanguage projects have been created bearing in mind the need for greater flexibility and personalisation of teaching/learning programmes.
They also provide effective support in coping with an ever more challenging educational scenario as well as helping students and teachers alike in achieving significant objectives, not only in English, but also in other areas.
With the HandsOnLanguage series, English is a medium that will enable students to learn about subjects and issues which are relevant to their everyday life and develop skills that are necessary both in and out of school.

Damiana Covre, Melanie Segal

21x29,7cm, 96 pages

ISBN 9788853610294

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