Biuletyn Informacyjny Luty 2019

Opublikowano: lut 25, 2019

Kategorie: Archiwum biuletynów

Zarejestruj się do webinarium ELI!

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O webinarium:

In this webinar we will show how the Super Magic course incorporates children’s cognitive, psychological and affective development into language learning.
The course has stories, songs, games and drama. We will present examples of each of these activities to show how an understanding of the way children think, interact and behave can fully enhance language learning.
We will also focus on two of the key features: This is me which enables students to personalise their language and Now I can which uses CLIL techniques to raise awareness.
We want to demonstrate how the child-centred approach in Super Magic encourages children to learn the language in a very enjoyable and effective way.


Jeremy Walenn
Jeremy has very wide experience in English as a foreign language as a teacher, examiner and materials writer. He is the former head of the Language Centre at Cranfield University, UK and then worked in Asia for a number of years. He is the author of the award-winning English for Law (Garnet Education) for university students and Kid’s Beginner (FLTRP) for very young learners. He also specialises in writing materials for exam preparation.

Sara Walenn
Sara is a DELTA trained teacher trainer, teacher, examiner and materials writer. She worked in the UK specialising in business English and teacher training before moving to Asia to teach on MBA courses and writing materials for the Hong Kong market. She is committed to ensuring the highest standards in the way EFL is taught and the type of materials that are used to teach it. She works hard to achieve this.