10 sposobów na wykorzystanie podręcznika w nauce zdalnej wśród dzieci

Opublikowano: cze 6, 2021

Kategorie: Prezentacje i recenzje , Pomysły i materiały do lekcji

Even in a pre-lockdown, normal, physical primary classroom, teachers have always adapted or supplemented their coursebooks to suit the interests and levels of their classes, and to make English fun. It’s a necessary and instinctive part of the role of teaching young learners to bring creativity, imagination and personalisation to every lesson. Now, teaching remotely, we must dig deeper and build on our teaching experience and be the same expert in English as before, the same role model as before, but adapt some more to teach online and keep children engaged and motivated. This practical session looks at ways to bring your coursebook to life when teaching via video online.