Jak zachęcić nastolatków do mówienia?

Opublikowano: maj 5, 2020

Kategorie: Prezentacje i recenzje

Co zrobić, aby uczeń chciał mówić w obcym języku?

One of the biggest challenges for secondary teachers is getting students to talk. There can be all sorts of reasons why they do not engage easily in speaking activities, and not just because they might be shy. Nor should we blame their teen development too much either, because young adults are fun, playful, curious, creative and full of opinions! So we need to harness these qualities, build rapport, provide a supportive environment, scaffold the tasks, allow them some freedom and motivate them with high interest topics. This session looks at what can get in the way of a motivation to speak, and ideas to use and adapt coursebook materials to bring out the best in teen learners and get them talking.

Seria omawiana jako przykład w prezentacji: Sprint